22. maaliskuuta 2011

JD11 reaches a new level

Juste Debout 2011 - New Style 2 vs. 2 - Semi Final Battle - Les Twins (France) vs. Lil'O & Tyger B (USA) / Video By YAK FILMS

Check all the final battles of JD '11 in canalstreet.tv.

7. maaliskuuta 2011

behind the ART

I've seen so many places and people different from each other, I already feel much richer inside to start creating the art of dance. Taking your experiences and feeling the music flow around you.. that's something to try looking for!

SPR FKR - art found in L.A.

Views that take your breath away..

.. and the moments of fear and excitement ..

.. will create something impossible (like a contemporary battle).


.. jump ..

.. save it to your memory..

.. and start improvising!